

As 2017 rolls in, the threat of more formidable cyber attacks looms large. Hackers and the cyber police will spend a lot of time outsmarting each other, while consumers of technology, individuals and businesses alike, anticipate the best security plan that can guarantee they sleep soundly at night. When it comes to defending
According to several reports, the volume of malicious cyber attacks has significantly increased recently. And even though our devices have the latest network security systems, hackers have a cunning trick up their sleeves — social engineering. Unlike malware and other viruses, social engineering tricks people into divulging sensitive data to hackers. Unfortunately, businesses are
A number of clever, yet common techniques have been the basis for several social engineering attacks we’ve seen lately. Hackers are registering domain names similar to authentic domains in an effort to make the e-mail recipient believe that the sender’s request is legitimate. These techniques can consist of one or more of the following:

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